Technology Integration Model

To integrate technology into classroom efficiently, educators need a technology integration model so that they can check the steps for a healthy integration which enhances teaching and learning process. For that reason, we have prepared a technology integration model together as ICT teachers. As it is seen from the figure, we thought that subject area, material design/decision, student profile, pedagogical principles, policies and administration, finance, technology support and evaluation reports should be the components of technology integration that should be considered.

We named our technology integration model as Technology Integration Awareness Model (TIA Model) since we think that this model can help educators to gain awareness about this issue. We divide these components into three parts according to the order they have in the model:

  1. First Step Components: Policies and Administration, Finance and Technology Support
  2. Second Step Components: Student Profile, Pedagogical Principles, Material Design/Decision
  3. Third Step Components: Professional Development, Evaluation Reports
As educators, we need a model, we need a guide, and a plan before directly using technology in the classroom since the purposeful and meaningful use of technology can only be named as technology integration!

In this website, we explain each component of our model, which is TIA Model, by benefiting from IES National Center for Education Statistics website and the article named ‘The Pedagogy of Technology Integration’ by Okojie&Olinzock&Okojie-Boulder as well as the articles that we have read in TE 546 Computer Teaching Methods II Course.